The Collective Impact Forum – a resource for practitioners and funders who are using the collective impact approach to achieve large-scale systems change. Since the 2011 Stanford Social Innovation Review article introduced the concept, collective impact has grown into a transformative movement. Though collective impact has proven to be a powerful approach in tackling a wide range of issues in communities all over the world, many practitioners lack the resources and connections they need to be successful in this work. The Collective Impact Forum provides them with access to tactical tools, training opportunities, and the shared knowledge of peer networks. The Collective Impact Forum is built in partnership with many others working to accelerate the collective impact movement. The initiative aims to increase the effectiveness and further adoption of collective impact to address social and environmental problems, and reinforce ways in which collective impact is different from other forms of collaboration. The Collective Impact Forum includes communities of practice, in-person convenings, and an online community and resource center launching early next year.