Based on intrinsic knowledge, Assetmaps develops smart online solutions that make specific location-bound data accessible, available and interpretable in an instant. The products of Assetmaps can easily be linked with other systems, which means that economic, geographical and technical value is attributed to information. Asset maps thus form an important link between asset stakeholder and their data. Asset maps make the life of an asset stakeholder easier. The Assetmaps software forms the indispensable link between the asset stakeholder and his data. By linking systems and data, data becomes really smart. As this data is made accessible intuitively, technical and economic management of sites becomes efficient, effective and cost-effective. Data is the foundation of business processes. Having current and factual information is vital. Sometimes even literally. It is evident that data must be made accessible to everyone who is responsible for interpreting it. And that that data is available where it belongs. Our in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in real estate management is the foundation of our software.