RevoKind is developing an artificially intelligent, autonomous communication system with distributed ledger technology that is fast as light, and is globally scalable to meet the needs of users and networks across the globe. Enabled by multi-connection technology using A.I. with neural cryptography, IDENT™ will provide accelerated, secure communications for users and networks providing voice, video, messaging, data, and internet to populations and connected systems that use satellites or terrestrial delivery, including 5G deployments and critical control systems, where existing communication technologies are too unsecure, unreliable, or expensive.One of a KindThere is only one of you. Our identity and our connections are who we are. These should never be at risk. It should be simple to go anywhere in the world and keep our connections and easy to make new ones. Your identity, your call, your control.IDENT™ uses virtual SIM technology to simplify wireless carrier activation and eliminates security vulnerabilities including social engineering identity theft. Using biometric cryptography means users only have to create a single account one time. No more usernames and passwords…ever. Simple control and use for wireless or wired devices, vehicles, services, or any system across any network.IDENT™ comes with a rich feature set in one application for Consumers, Telecom Companies, Wireless Carriers, Mobile Virtual Network Operators, Internet Service Providers, Software & Cloud Companies, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), and Government Entities. These include:- User Identity & Security- Subscriber and Device Activation & Provisioning- Billing, Payments, & Accounts- User & Device Data Control and Flow- Secure & Encrypted Wallet with Multi-Currency Support- Fiat & Digital Asset Exchange Built-In