Justin Lowman

traffic control at WTS SpA - Flero, Brescia, IT

Justin Lowman's Contact Details
+39 322 194 5002
Justin Lowman's Company Details
WTS SpA logo, WTS SpA contact details


Flero, Brescia, IT • 53 Employees

WTS rappresenta l’eccellenza nel campo della rubinetteria. Il gruppo industriale è portavoce dei migliori marchi del settore, proiettati nel mercato internazionale. WTS significa: affidabilità, praticità, design all’avanguardia e attenzione all’ambiente circostante. I marchi facenti parte del gruppo riservano una profonda attenzione alla qualità dei materiali e alla ricerca di tecnologie in grado di permettere la produzione di prodotti di alta qualità a prezzi concorrenziali. Quando si parla di WTS, ci si riferisce ad un' azienda che esporta all’estero il proprio, consolidato know how fatto di produzione, distribuzione e solide alleanze commerciali e strategiche in diversi Paesi. // WTS stands for the excellence of sanitary taps. The industrial group represents the best brands in the sector, which are projected to the international market. WTS means: reliability, practice, cutting edge design, and attention to the surrounding environment. The brands that are parts of the group pay serious attention to the quality of the material and to the research of new technologies which allow the production of high-quality items with competitive prices. When it comes to WTS, we can identify a company which exports abroad its consolidated know-how in terms of production, distribution and strategic alliance in different countries.

Details about WTS SpA
Frequently Asked Questions about Justin Lowman
Justin Lowman currently works for WTS SpA.
Justin Lowman's role at WTS SpA is traffic control.
Justin Lowman's email address is ***@wtsgroup.eu. To view Justin Lowman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Justin Lowman works in the Furniture industry.
Justin Lowman's colleagues at WTS SpA are Cat Morgan, Mike Wright, Derek Tu, Daran Scott, Lakisha Thomas, Jeffrey Moran, Larissa Baranoff and others.
Justin Lowman's phone number is +39 322 194 5002
See more information about Justin Lowman