Jyothi Stella

Project Coordinator at Plant Craft - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Jyothi Stella's Contact Details
Plant Craft
Jyothi Stella's Company Details
Plant Craft logo, Plant Craft contact details

Plant Craft

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India • 16 Employees

As we come from farming background. We have real time experience what plant needs. We have complete solutions for all your problems. We help people to harvest organic vegetables without harmful chemicals, preservatives and pesticides. By providing all the information, support and solution to grow vegetables, flowers and plants. With the right amount of time and minimum investment, it can be Eco-friendly and healthy.We provide end to end solution to terrace garden for your daily needs with Grow-bags, Pots, Seeds, Manure, tools and etc. also contact our creative team who will design lawn and other garden materials.MissionOur vision is to create a food chain that is self-produced and free from harmful chemicals, preservatives and pesticides."Grow Naturally" through eco-friendly products with organic vegetables

Details about Plant Craft
Frequently Asked Questions about Jyothi Stella
Jyothi Stella currently works for Plant Craft.
Jyothi Stella's role at Plant Craft is Project Coordinator.
Jyothi Stella's email address is ***@plantcraft.in. To view Jyothi Stella's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jyothi Stella works in the Farming industry.
Jyothi Stella's colleagues at Plant Craft are Madhushree Gowda, Mahesh Nayaka, Onestep Solutions, Suresh Babu, Shivu Kumbar, Chandra Sv and others.
Jyothi Stella's phone number is 09741227789
See more information about Jyothi Stella