We have a new, mechanical way of utilizing cylindrical battery cells that creates a shared energy market between electric vehicles and stationary power systems with safe reuse in off-grid applications.Imagine an electric vehicle that costs tens of thousands less and reenergizes in five minutes, just like filling a tank of gasScalable, Future-proof, Fault Tolerant, Patented Design-Swap down to the single cell-Rapid reenergize -Designed for Reuse - Democratize Energy -Cost Effective - Affordable EV-Best tech - Use the latest cells as they are developed -Common sense approach - proven components used by the military for over half a century -It Scales - use 1, 100, 1000, 10,000, or 100,000 cells or anywhere in between - flashlights to scooters to trucks -Top Performance - flexible - tailored to your needs - no compromise-For Manufacturers - Leased cells - Profit Models like Cloud StorageTwo former U.S. Army Green Berets have developed a new and innovative solution to address the myriad of problems associated with Electric Vehicles including single cell failure, slow reenergizing, defects, and cost - and along the way it just might democratize energy for the developing world and beyond.