The NLS Business Law Review is an annual, open-access, peer-reviewed commercial law journal run by the students of the National Law School of India University. To accompany the Journal, we also have a Blog which publishes cutting-edge pieces in real time.The journal has featured scholarship by a wide range of leading academics and practitioners such as Justice V. Ramasubramanian (Supreme Court of India), Phillip R. Wood (QC, Allen and Overy LLP), Prof. James J. Nedumpara (Jindal Global Law School), Rajat Sethi (Founding and Managing Partner, S&R Associates), Prof. Régis Bismuth (Sciences Po) and Prof. Anurag K. Agarwal (IIM Ahmedabad).The NLS Business Law Review intends to recognise and foster academic research and scholarship in commercial law by examining the myriad regulatory frameworks, domestic or international, that impact doing business in India or globally. We particularly welcome submissions applying comparative international perspectives. Our mandate thus, inter alia, includes company law, securities and capital markets regulation, banking and finance, taxation, foreign investment, competition law, commercial dispute resolution, contract and commercial law, and employment law.