Junior Marketing Officer at NPI Shuttleworth Academy - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
NPI Shuttleworth Academy (NPISA) is a South African based, SETA accredited education and corporate training institute, which forms part of NPI Group of companies. The business is a B-BBEE Level 2 contributor, being 51% black-owned and 49% woman-owned. NPI Shuttleworth Academy grows minds and organisations with their experienced team of coaches and facilitators who offer cutting edge courses, learning technology and methodologies. These include Games Based Assessments, Neuroscience and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) which enhance skills development by utilising tailor-made digital training methods, ensuring better learning experiences and outcomes.NPI Shuttleworth Academy's aim and vision is to build South Africa by transforming, guiding, and growing individuals, teams, organisation's and the economy.NPI Shuttleworth Academy (NPISA) is Seta accredited, running learnership's where one can receive tax rebates, as well as gain B-BBEE points on your South African scorecard.Knowledge is power, upskill and achieve your goals and business growth with us.To find out more, please contact us at info@npiconsulting.co.za