TochiLife is an innovative Saas company that is leading the way in ground breaking technology in a Network Marketing industry that has historically lagged far behind in new technology adoption. Our first project is our Droplii app that serves as an inventive, community driven replacement for cumbersome, expensive essential oil textbooks distributors are currently purchasing for new clients. We've also built a simple, but creative CRM that automatically captures new prospect contact information and provides distributors a time saving and much more effective communication tool than current email and text messaging channels.We launched our Droplii app at a large convention in mid September 2016 and almost quadrupled our goal for signups. Due to the overwhelming response we've received, we expect to grow rapidly over the next 6 months and will be in need of Angular web developers, Xamarin mobile developers, and sales and marketing people among other positions.Below are our company values. They reflect our culture and the type of individual we'll be looking to bring onto our team as we grow. 1. Happy customers, employees, and partners a. Promote and provide "Happiness Ingredients": 1. Meaning, 2. Autonomy, 3. Connectedness and 4. Fun b. Be incredibly generous. Give drastically more value than you expect in return 2. Relentless Improvement and Innovation a. Incessantly challenge/question the Status Quo (Including founders, managers and any established norms) b. Unrelenting dedication to learning, innovation and growth 3. Integrity: Including honesty w/ yourself 4. Humanize EVERYTHING a. SIMPLIFY everything! b. Humanize the workplace, dont workify humans c. Create a strong, relatable company brand/personality d. Humanize our product/technology: Make it beautiful and intuitive