Kadir Sen

güvenlik at MURADIM AS - , ,

Kadir Sen's Colleagues at MURADIM AS
Selin Yigitkus

Administration & Sustainability Manager

Contact Selin Yigitkus

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, , • 6 Employees

MURADIM is a Turkey based fancy yarn and acrylic fiber supplier for the textile industry. As a family business, third generation is on the management and planning to expand the business on a vertical basis as well as horizontal. Currently, the plant employs 25 employees and has a capacity of 550,000 KGs of fiber and 310,000 KGs of fancy yarn per year. Our yarns are used in different industries but mainly in; upholstery fabrics, knitwear, garment fabrics, hand knitting and curtains. Manufacturing these yarns has also made us available to gather knowledge in creating different kinds of upholstery and other kinds of fabrics in order to show our yarns' looks. One of MURADIM's suppliers is AKSA which is in the top 10 Acrylic fiber producer in the world. Other than fiber, MURADIM uses top quality wools, mohair and polyamide materials to blend in with acrylic. We operate in 3 different departments. First is the Combing Department. This department prepares the fibers into different blends with acrylic, mohair, wool or etc. Those can be blended with each other or can be combed individually. Second department is the fancy yarn department that operates Saurer Allma type, 4 machines with a total of 192 spindles. In this department we turn the blended fibers into fancy boucles, flames, frises and other types, by locking (surrounding) the fiber with Nylon, PES or Acrylic Yarns. The last department includes the quality control and vapourizing.

Details about MURADIM AS
Frequently Asked Questions about Kadir Sen
Kadir Sen currently works for MURADIM AS.
Kadir Sen's role at MURADIM AS is güvenlik.
Kadir Sen's email address is ***@muradimtex.com. To view Kadir Sen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kadir Sen works in the Textiles industry.
Kadir Sen's colleagues at MURADIM AS are Selin Yigitkus, Aziz Gurler, Muhittin Dogan and others.
Kadir Sen's phone number is
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