Crown Forestry Rental Trust (‘the Trust'):•Operates within a Trust Deed.•Assists Māori to prepare, present and negotiate claims against the Crown, which involves Crown forest licensed lands.•Reports annually to: our Trustees' Crown appointor, the Minister of Finance; and, our Trustees' Māori appointors, the New Zealand Māori Council (NZMC) and Federation of Māori Authorities Incorporated (FOMA).The Trust fund comes from Annual Rental Fees for licences to use certain Crown forest licensed lands. Until the beneficial owners of the lands have been determined, the Trust:•Invests the rental proceeds and holds them in trust.•Applies the interest earned on the rental proceeds to help Māori claimants prepare, present and negotiate claims that involve or could involve Crown forest licensed lands.The accumulated Annual Rental Fees for all Crown forest licensed lands will eventually be returned to successful claimants, or to the Crown.