Lead Researcher at International Veterinary Vaccinology Network - , Scotland, United Kingdom
Animal diseases have significant impacts on societies in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) through reduced animal health, impaired welfare, reduced livestock productivity and public health. Vaccines offer the most sustainable route to control and prevent many of the most devastating diseases of livestock. The International Veterinary Vaccinology Network provides the opportunity to establish multi-partnered, international collaborations that bring together the diverse skills needed to accelerate the development of vaccines. The network offers a unique opportunity to establish a forum for specialists from the UK and LMICs to focus on establishing new collaborations between partners with complementary expertise to effectively address critical bottlenecks in the development of veterinary vaccines for LMIC priority diseases. Many of these obstacles are relevant to human vaccinology and so much of the science conducted by the network will have applications under the ‘One Health' remit.