Kaitlin Graham

Chief Operating Officer at Tuttle Yick LLP - New York, NY, US

Kaitlin Graham's Contact Details
New York,New York,United States
Tuttle Yick LLP
Kaitlin Graham's Company Details
Tuttle Yick LLP logo, Tuttle Yick LLP contact details

Tuttle Yick LLP

New York, NY, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Tuttle Yick LLP is a commercial real estate and construction law firm, serving as counsel to individual and institutional owners, developers, REITS, condominium and cooperative boards, design professionals, and contractors in real estate acquisitions and development. Our firm services financings, workouts, acquisitions, leasing, design and construction agreements, land use, claims, and litigation.

Construction Law Real Estate Law General Corporate Law Legal/Attorney Legal Services Law Practice
Details about Tuttle Yick LLP
Frequently Asked Questions about Kaitlin Graham
Kaitlin Graham currently works for Tuttle Yick LLP.
Kaitlin Graham's role at Tuttle Yick LLP is Chief Operating Officer.
Kaitlin Graham's email address is ***@tuttleyick.com. To view Kaitlin Graham's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kaitlin Graham works in the Law Practice industry.
Kaitlin Graham's colleagues at Tuttle Yick LLP are Ashley Ravins, Nicole Mehta, Alexa Depierro, Peter Dee, Jeffrey Yick, Alexander Tuttle and others.
Kaitlin Graham's phone number is 646-833-0300
See more information about Kaitlin Graham