Kaitlyn Wolford

Process Engineer at IBC Advanced Alloys - Vancouver, BC, US

Kaitlyn Wolford's Contact Details
316 Huntington Avenue,Boston,Massachusetts,02115,United States
IBC Advanced Alloys
Kaitlyn Wolford's Company Details
IBC Advanced Alloys logo, IBC Advanced Alloys contact details

IBC Advanced Alloys

Vancouver, BC, US • 100 - 249 Employees

IBC Advanced Alloys is a leading manufacturer and developer of advanced alloys for the global market with a focus on specialty copper alloys and high performance beryllium aluminum castings. IBC's engineered solutions are essential for high technology products used in a broad range of market sectors including nuclear power, automotive, oil and gas, electronics and aerospace. Complementing the Company's manufacturing operations are R&D programs on enhancing and supporting IBC growing US manufacturing base.

Rare metal alloys Beryllium aluminum alloys Beryllium copper alloys Chrome copper Aluminum bronze Nuclear fuels Aerospace/Defense Defense Contractors Defense & Space
Details about IBC Advanced Alloys
Frequently Asked Questions about Kaitlyn Wolford
Kaitlyn Wolford currently works for IBC Advanced Alloys.
Kaitlyn Wolford's role at IBC Advanced Alloys is Process Engineer.
Kaitlyn Wolford's email address is ***@ibcadvancedalloys.com. To view Kaitlyn Wolford's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kaitlyn Wolford works in the Defense & Space industry.
Kaitlyn Wolford's colleagues at IBC Advanced Alloys are Steve Beaulieu, Ben Rampulla, Jeff Asbery, Jerry Hill, Rajeev Jain, Toni Wendel, Terena Dampier and others.
Kaitlyn Wolford's phone number is 317-738-2558
See more information about Kaitlyn Wolford