Kaitlynn Johnson

Babysitter at MY SISTER - , Minnesota, United States

Kaitlynn Johnson's Contact Details
Kaitlynn Johnson's Company Details
MY SISTER logo, MY SISTER contact details


, Minnesota, United States • 1 - 10 Employees
Apparel & Fashion

MY SISTER offers trendy, fair trade t-shirts, jewelry and beauty products with positive and empowering messaging. A percentage of every purchase funds programs with local, national and international non-profits that are working to fight sex trafficking. We believe that everyone can participate in the progress towards a world without sexual exploitation. MY SISTER focuses on innovative and community building initiatives to engage our country in the movement. By raising awareness, offering education and employment opportunities for survivors, working to end the demand, and providing funding for holistic after-care, MY SISTER will work with all our sisters to end this form of modern day slavery of children and women across the world.

Details about MY SISTER
Frequently Asked Questions about Kaitlynn Johnson
Kaitlynn Johnson currently works for MY SISTER.
Kaitlynn Johnson's role at MY SISTER is Babysitter.
Kaitlynn Johnson's email address is ***@mysister.org. To view Kaitlynn Johnson's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kaitlynn Johnson works in the Apparel & Fashion industry.
Kaitlynn Johnson's colleagues at MY SISTER are Jess Milne, Shirley Baker, Jejerome Gonzales, Ruby Pineda, Kalpana Singh, Grace Yoon, Parivash Godazgari and others.
Kaitlynn Johnson's phone number is
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