Check out! Our primary style is Choi Kwang Do, a modern martial art based upon the scientific principles of kinesiology. This art is designed to provide effective self defense and physical fitness for people of all ages. Choi Kwang Do's simple to learn movements maximize the force delivered to the target making this an ideal art for self defense. Kajun Martial Arts incorporates other martial arts into our curriculum to enhance the self defense aspect of our training. Some of the arts that we have borrowed from include Tae Kwon Do, Juijitsu, Aikido, and Karate. By blending these arts together with Choi Kwang Do, we provide an excellent self defense curriculum. Martial Arts training at Kajun Martial Arts is not limited to kicks, blocks, and punches. We provide the mental and emotional training that helps our students focus upon achieving their goals, applying self control, understanding and applying respect in every day living. In short, the path to a black belt in our training program is both a mental and physi