Mind Oasis is an online community that brings the timeless benefits of meditation to practitioners worldwide.While there are a number of offerings online for recorded guided meditations, Mind Oasis is unique in offering live, interactive classes designed to help you start, sustain or deepen your meditation practice. As Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says, "Sangha building is so crucial. If you are without a sangha, you lose your practice very soon." Sangha is a Sanskrit word for "community" and Mind Oasis brings your sangha to you in your home with the ability to practice daily with others.Be sure to register at www.themindoasis.org! All level of practitioners are welcome!Mind Oasis seeks to counterbalance the impact of stress in an increasingly complex and fast-paced world by being the premier online host of meditation resources for practitioners worldwide. Our interactive classes, workshops, and retreat opportunities will make it possible for more individuals to find great calmness, compassion and mindfulness through the contemplative arts, thereby improving their personal lives and communities on a global scale.