Kali Pulliam

Kindergarten Teacher at deer creek public schools - Edmond, Oklahoma, United States

Kali Pulliam's Contact Details
Oklahoma City,Oklahoma,United States
deer creek public schools
Kali Pulliam's Company Details

deer creek public schools

Edmond, Oklahoma, United States • 201 - 500 Employees
primary/secondary education

School District in Edmond, OklahomaDeer Creek Schools District will prepare its community learners for life'sfuture challenges in a global-based society. -MISSION- Develop Deer Creek's community of learners as self-confident, creative problem solvers,skillful communicators, productive team workers, capable of accessingand processing information in a lifelong pursuit of excellence.-CORE BELIEFS-All students can and must learn; will not face discrimination; will be challenged;will have the opportunity to explore, develop, and maximize their individual talentsboth mentally and physically in a positive and comfortable learning environment. People are our most valued asset. All individuals are equally respected. We consistently pursue high academic and co-curricular standards ofachievement and believe that students will rise to our highest expectations. We believe that all students, as lifelong learners, can become capable,productive members of society. Teachers, parents, students, and community members are integral partners in the educational process. Honesty, integrity, respect, open communication, high quality of work, goodwork ethics, and teamwork are essential to the success of our school community. We build on our traditions in preparation for success in the future. A safe and orderly environment is essential to the educational process. We believe learning is an ongoing process that is relevant to daily living.

Details about deer creek public schools
Frequently Asked Questions about Kali Pulliam
Kali Pulliam currently works for Deer Creek Public Schools.
Kali Pulliam's role at Deer Creek Public Schools is Kindergarten Teacher.
Kali Pulliam's email address is ***@deercreekschools.org. To view Kali Pulliam's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kali Pulliam works in the Primary/secondary Education industry.
Kali Pulliam's colleagues at deer creek public schools are Kelcie Skaggs, Lane Flora, Kristen Tosh, Sidney Rashidzada, Chelsea Neighbors, Jackson Girod, Darlene Pagonis and others.
Kali Pulliam's phone number is
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