The Santova Group is a specialist international trade solutions business listed on the Main Board of the South African Securities Exchange with offices throughout Africa , Asia, Mauritius, Australasia, Europe, Singapore and the United Kingdom, as well as strategic partners throughout the world.Santova's strategic global presence and diversification in terms of geographies, currencies, industries, products and services focuses on managing a network of interconnected activities for multinational clients , including planning, organizing, procurement and logistics from origin to point-of-consumption. In essence Santova assumes responsibility for the entire supply chain allowing clients to focus on growing their core business. Santova has made significant investments in intellectual capital and innovation to ensure that it is at the forefront of meeting and leveraging off rapidly changing customer and consumer demand. We offer clients virtual supply chain management and control, allowing visibility and accurate real time information through our information systems and electronic tools.With continuing intense competition and pressure on price and margins that will continue into the foreseeable future, Santova is well placed to leverage off a borderless and integrated world economy that is driven by globalization and technological advancements.