Language is of integral importance to Aboriginal Australians. Expression and identity brings about great pride of connection to country; where they come from and who they are. If a person knows a word in their language he/she is maintaining a link that has existed for thousands of years, and keeping words alive that have been used by their ancestors - language is an ancestral right and it distinguishes something special about Aboriginal people from non-Aboriginal people. Language is a part of culture, and knowledge about culture is a means of empowering people. Language contributes to the wellbeing of Aboriginal communities, strengthens ties between elders and young people and improves education in general for Indigenous people of all ages.WHAT WE DO VACL is committed to developing partnerships with, the provision of resources and information to government and non-government and community organisations.VACL promotes and fosters the use and appreciation of Indigenous languages in a range of domains and media, to advance language retrieval, revival and maintenance advocating government and other bodies for the protection of our endangered languages across Victoria.We assist Aboriginal communities to coordinate resources and employment and training through local language centres and committees.Additionally, we provide and maintain a centre for resources and documentation of languages for the benefit of Victorian Aboriginal people, and ensure good governance and management practices within VACLs structure.CONNECT WITH USVisit Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Soundcloud: Vimeo: