Xtra Sensing Lab is established in Nov, 2019, focusing on Non-Destructive Test (NDT) and Predictive Maintenance (PdM) for commercial HVAC system and equipment. Since we get the pulse of building services machines, we are known as Machine Doctor (機器中醫). Xtra Sensing Lab offers wide range of site testing, consultancy and remote sensing IoT systems integration services in PdM and Condition Monitoring to clients. Services include vibration condition monitoring (VCM), vibration analysis & diagnosis, fan balancing, commissioning, infrared thermography (IR), guided wave testing (GWT), video-based vibration Amplification (VVAM) and ultrasonic pipe thickness test (UT). Our company objective is to provide cost-effective solutions to increase clients' HVAC plant reliability.Our client base includes property owners, facility management, plant operators, building services & HVAC contractors and E&M consultants.