We are a non-profit business organization offering networking events and programs to help small businesses meet each other and grow. We specialize in building lasting relationships one business at a time. We also offer a small business benefits package that includes a health insurance group plan, workers compensation group plan, credit card processing plan, IT services plan and website design plan. TOP 10 REASONS TO JOIN THE CUYAHOGA FALLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1. New Member Business Contacts 2. Credibility – Credibility to make a statement that you are committed to the future of the Cuyahoga Falls business community. 3. Member-to-Member Discounts 4. Leadership/Professional Development 5. Community Commitment 6. Referrals 7. Publicity and Exposure 8. Marketing and Advertising 9. Relationship Building Opportunities 10. Members Only Small Business Money Saving Benefits See full list here in detail: http://cfchamber.com/blog/2011/08/30/10-great-reasons-to-join-the-cuyahoga-falls-chamber-of-commerce/ Cuyahoga Falls Chamber of Commerce HISTORY Founded in 1926, the Cuyahoga Falls Chamber of Commerce was begun in the fall by a group of businessmen and property owners. At the Annual Meeting of the Falls Civic Association, a committee of 15 was appointed for the purpose of organizing a Chamber of Commerce. The first Meeting was held at the City Hall on November 24, 1926, followed by a membership campaign in January 1927.