CzechInno, voluntary association of legal persons was established with the aim to provide with support to innovative processes in the Czech business and to help development of the knowledge economy of 21st century. The organization takes its role of an "innovative matchmaker" and connects academic environment and science with commercial sphere, because innovations are created by a common interaction and relations between enterprises as creators of the innovations and academic-scientific institutions, who product new knowledge. Constituting members of the CzechInno commonwealth are Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic .CzechInno has introduced the project "Visionaires " focused on promotion of the innovative potential within Czech business and helping to commercialize of innovative products with the aim to increase the competitiveness of Czech companies. In the last year, association CzechInno in cooperation with its partners realized successfully first year of the project named Export Festival CZ 2013. By its organisation, they founded tradition of meeting enterprises with the representatives of state administration and export supporting institutions.