Competitiveness Enhancement Specialist at J.E. Austin Associates, Inc.. - Arlington, VA, US
J.E. Austin Associates, Inc. (JAA) helps improve lives in emerging and developing markets by providing innovative approaches and solutions that enable private sector-led economic growth and job creation. Since 1986, JAA has worked with businesses, governments, NGOs and donors on almost 700 projects in 127 countries to improve productivity and enhance competitiveness. JAA's team includes leading experts in competitiveness, economic policy, small and medium enterprise (SME) development, agribusiness and other sectors, and entrepreneurship. JAA's staff and consultants share a passion to improve the world by helping create the economic growth that provides jobs and better livelihoods, and reduces poverty. JAA is a small business, currently working on over 20 projects around the world. We constantly seek to expand our team of employees and consultants.