appbackr, based in Palo Alto, indexes and evaluates Android apps to provide enterprise and developer resources. appbackrInsights™ merges appbackr's data on over 1.8 million Android apps and our expert evaluation to create analytics reports on how the world sees an app from the inside out.Since 2010, appbackr has indexed and scored apps based on our custom Innovation, Digital Relevance, and Technical, Social, Editorial, and SDK evaluations. We compile those data points to deliver decisive, actionable planning for your team. Our team of app experts builds a substantial matrix to analyze each app and its impact.Partners such as carriers, OEMs, and platforms use the appscore and Xchange to increase revenue by curating apps and reaching developers. The appscore is available as a subscription or on a pay-per-usage basis.PRODUCTSappbackrⓇInsights™ - customized, shareable reports for Android developers analyzing their app's technical, editorial, social and web presence for actionable insights Android app - Find and share apps for where you're going Index API - A free API accessing all the data on Android apps in Google Play - A filterable directory of Android developers on Twitter