Kannan Civil8

junior engineer at Coromandel Engineering Compan Limited - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Kannan Civil8's Contact Details
Salem,Massachusetts,United States
Coromandel Engineering Compan Limited
Kannan Civil8's Company Details
Coromandel Engineering Compan Limited logo, Coromandel Engineering Compan Limited contact details

Coromandel Engineering Compan Limited

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India • 501 - 1000 Employees
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

We at Coromandel Engineering Company, part of Murugappa Group, take much pride to introduce to you one of the pioneers in the construction industry.Our company has been in the business of construction since 1947 & has executed more than 300 projects for various reputed clients. Our company has built various types of Industries, Cement plants, Power plants, Commercial, Residential and Educational institutions across India. We have a continuous quest for world class quality, safety practices in the industry with strict adherence to the project schedule. We have successfully worked with all major architects, engineering consultants and have always offered best service to our ever growing clientele.We are an ISO 9001:2008 & BS OHSAS 18001:2007 company certified for our quality and safety practices.

Details about Coromandel Engineering Compan Limited
Frequently Asked Questions about Kannan Civil8
Kannan Civil8 currently works for COROMANDEL ENGG CO LTD - CHENNAI - INDIA.
Kannan Civil8's role at COROMANDEL ENGG CO LTD - CHENNAI - INDIA is junior engineer.
Kannan Civil8's email address is ***@coromandelengg.com. To view Kannan Civil8's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kannan Civil8 works in the Construction industry.
Kannan Civil8's colleagues at Coromandel Engineering Compan Limited are Pm Kumar, Kannan Imayan, Ilayaraja Sankar, Kanandh Babu, Veeramanikandan K, Vishal Somavanshi, Raj Mohmed and others.
Kannan Civil8's phone number is ["04425301700","04425342822","914425301700","04425301700","09840236530","914425341513","09894260987","04425341513","914425341700","9363122134","917720010705","914430006161","04425301700","914067161606/1602","9104425301700","914428360472","914425341513","914425341513","914425301700","914425341513","04449099999","914428360058","914430006149","9104425342822","914023420815","04425341513","044262500524","04425340306","914425341513","9840176183","9840721868"]
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