Divine Technology was planned in 2005 and then formed in 2006. We offer affordable consulting solutions including Business Solutions, Business Process Automation, I.T., Design and Development Services. We're focused on creating a quality and focused group of services that would enhance ministry, community and organizations serving individuals and families.Our mission is to serve our clients and deliver quality services and tools at affordable prices. We want to assist and support them in increasing their effectiveness as they are doing what they do best....reaching out to their communities and serving those in need. The services and packages that we offer are specifically geared towards non-profits, churches and community organizations. We deliver the same quality products and services to non-profits, churches and community organizations that other companies in our field deliver to Corporate America for premium pricing. IT soultions:- Advanced Intranet Functionality- Advanced Website Functionality- Custom Church Solutions- Custom Database Solutions- Custom Intranet Solutions- Custom Joomla Solutions- Custom Knowledge Base Solutions- Custom Non-Profit Solutions- Custom SharePoint Solutions- Custom Website Solutions- Custom Website Security Solutions- E-Commerce Solution for Websites- Ad Design- Banners- Brochures- Business Cards- Flyers- Intranet Development- Joomla Website Design- Logo Design- Video Design- Website Design - Basic