Assistant Vice President - Debt & Capital Markets at Affin Investment Bank Berhad - , , United States
Affin Investment Bank Berhad (Affin Investment) is part of the larger Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) Group, the Armed Forces Provident Fund. LTAT's interest in Affin Investment is held through equity stakes in Affin Holdings Berhad (Affin Holdings) and Boustead Holdings Berhad (Boustead). Both Affin Holdings and Boustead Holdings are publicly listed conglomerates. \\Affin Investment Bank has a history spanning more than three decades. Incorporated in 1970, it was a pioneer in Malaysia's merchant banking business. Growing with the nation, Affin Investment has become an integral part of the country's expanding financial sector. As a Bank that thrives on ambition and vision, we have achieved our aspiration to become a full-fledged investment bank, effective from 3 July 2006 and is well positioned to play a bigger role in Malaysia's dynamic financial services sector. \\We provide full fledged investment banking services offering comprehensive financial solutions ranging from Corporate Advisory, Debt and Equity Capital Markets, Treasury & Investments Products, Stockbroking as well as Asset and Fund Management.