Comic Con India (CCI) was started with an inaugural show in February of 2011 in Delhi. The first ever Indian Comic Con as it was called then was hosted at the open-air craft bazaar, Dilli Haat, in the capital. Held over 2 days, it featured 25 exhibitors and attracted close to 5000 visitors.Over the years since – Comic Con India expanded to 5 cities - Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad & Pune. And attracted over 1,50,000 visitors cumulatively with over 1000 exhibitors at our shows (2015 Figures).From inception, we have steadily expanded the scope of our events by involving the various industries that can help expand popular culture. We plan to continue reaching many more communities of dedicated fans as well as bringing our unique events to many more cities in India.We provide a platform for brands to not only be part of our mission to expand popular culture, but to also engage with passionate fans across the country. We are dedicated to creating unique events and giving our fans, exhibitors and partner a platform to celebrate their undying love and passion for comics & pop culture and passion for comics & pop culture.