EMI is an International Scientific Organization that started in 1998 and established as a not-for-profit NGO in the Philippines in 2003. Over the years, our team of engineers, GIS specialists, planners, and risk management professionals developed sophisticated tools and methods and implemented a multitude of projects that contributed to significant advancements for public and private institutions that partnered with EMI. Our 20 years of experience, engagement in various disaster risk management, and urban resilience practice accords us a distinct recognition as the leader in the field from the international community. We employ a structured participatory process that reinforces ownership and a risk-based policy and programming aligned with international standards. Over the years, we have gained a high level of competence in the following key areas of disaster risk management practice. 1. Hazards, Vulnerability, Capacity and Risk Assessment 2. Legal and Institutional Arrangements for DRM 3. Sectoral Urban Resilience 4. Integrated Emergency Management Systems 5. ICT-GIS for Risk Assessment and Management 6. Risk Sensitive Land Use and Urban Development Planning 7. Catastrophe insurance and risk transfer 8. Risk Information, Education and Communication 9. Training and Capacity Building for Urban Resilience 10. Monitoring and Evaluation of DRM in Urban Governance and Development EMI is a champion of the UNISDR Making Cities Resilient Campaign and an active member of the UN Global Platform for Disaster Reduction since its inception in 1998. EMI has a consultative status with UN-ECOSOC.