Karen Conn

Certified Fraud Examiner at Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC - Jacksonville, Florida, United States

Karen Conn's Contact Details
+1 904-641-6288
Jacksonville,Florida,United States
Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC
Karen Conn's Company Details
Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC logo, Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC contact details

Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC

Jacksonville, Florida, United States • 2 Employees

Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC is a financial performance enhancement company whose mission is to help you grow your monetary resources.As an individual or independent business taxpayer, you'll feel confident in our concern for your financial well-being. And because Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC is a company that cares about people, their lifestyles and their financial needs, our desire to further your financial growth will be apparent in every service we provide. Our on-staff professionals and our clients value the long-standing relationships that result from this philosophy, and we think you will too.While a strong and consistent accounting practice is our base business, Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC also has experience in several areas that strengthen the financial health of niche businesses. If you are running a business, paying sales taxes on goods purchased, have operations in an Empowerment or Enterprise Zone, need litigation support in law practice, purchase or aid in the purchase of commercial real estate, need a cost segregation study completed for your commercial real estate, or want to develop your leadership team and increase your profitability, our senior accounting professionals can assist your business in many specialized areas.

Details about Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Karen Conn
Karen Conn currently works for Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC.
Karen Conn's role at Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC is Certified Fraud Examiner.
Karen Conn's email address is ***@mrpcpa.com. To view Karen Conn's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Karen Conn works in the Accounting industry.
Karen Conn's colleagues at Meeks, Ross, Selander & Associates, CPAs, LLC are Alex Evers and others.
Karen Conn's phone number is +1 904-641-6288
See more information about Karen Conn