Karen Nguyen

caregiving/CNA at Uplers - San Diego, CA, US

Karen Nguyen's Contact Details
Milpitas,California,95035,United States
Karen Nguyen's Company Details
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San Diego, CA, US • 500 - 999 Employees

Ashurst is a leading global law firm and for almost 200 years we have been advising local and global corporates, financial institutions and governments on their most complex transactions, disputes and projects.With 29 offices in 17 countries and a best-friend referral relationship with an Indian law firm, we offer the international insight of a global network combined with local market knowledge.Client focused service: our clients can access deep local knowledge and on-the-ground support wherever they do business, from people they know and trust. We build teams that are specific to our clients'​ needs, combining specialist legal skills, industry experience and regional know-how. We have a track record of successfully managing large and complex multi-jurisdictional transactions and projects. Our focus is on getting to the heart of clients'​ legal needs and delivering practical, commercial solutions.You can find our legal notices at ashurst.com/legal-notices.

Details about Uplers
Frequently Asked Questions about Karen Nguyen
Karen Nguyen currently works for Uplers.
Karen Nguyen's role at Uplers is caregiving/CNA.
Karen Nguyen's email address is ***@uplers.com. To view Karen Nguyen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Karen Nguyen works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Karen Nguyen's colleagues at Uplers are Jonathan Chapman, Christa Edwards, Candice Moses, Tracy McCall, Ana Sumibcay, Aaqib Sheikh, Gomez Mario and others.
Karen Nguyen's phone number is N/A
See more information about Karen Nguyen