Karen Ryan

Radiologic Technologist at Sanitas Medical Center - Doral, Florida, US

Karen Ryan's Contact Details
(844) 665-4827
Greater Houston
Sanitas Medical Center
Karen Ryan's Company Details
Sanitas Medical Center logo, Sanitas Medical Center contact details

Sanitas Medical Center

Doral, Florida, US • 1015 Employees

Sanitas, a world of health The Sanitas experience will change your expectations about healthcare. As our patient, you can expect doctors and staff members to spend as much time with you as you need, guiding you through the process toward better health. To explain your medical situation and what’s being done to improve it. Expect primary care doctors, specialists, lab, diagnostic imaging and even medications to be available all in one place. Expect convenience in your own terms—we are open 7 days a week with extended hours. Expect a focus on preventive care, so you can be in the best health ever and enjoy the quality of life you want with your family. All of this is what we call, “a world of health.” Come a see it for yourself. Sanitas, un mundo de salud Tu experiencia en Sanitas cambiará tus expectativas en cuanto a la atención médica. Como paciente nuestro, puedes esperar que los médicos y el personal te dediquen todo el tiempo que necesites, orientándote en el proceso hacia una mejor salud. Ellos te explicarán tu situación médica y lo que se está haciendo para mejorarla. Encontrarás médicos de cuidado primario, especialistas, laboratorio, imágenes, exámenes de diagnóstico y la facilidad de tener tus medicamentos recetados en un solo lugar. Encontrarás horario de atención que se ajusta a tus necesidades—estamos abiertos los 7 días de la semana con horario extendido. Encontrarás un enfoque en la atención preventiva, para que puedas estar más saludable que nunca y disfrutar de la calidad de vida que deseas tener junto a tu familia. Todo esto es lo que llamamos, “un mundo de salud.” Visítanos y entérate por ti mismo.

Patient Centered Care Comprehensive Medical Care
Details about Sanitas Medical Center
Frequently Asked Questions about Karen Ryan
Karen Ryan currently works for Sanitas Medical Center.
Karen Ryan's role at Sanitas Medical Center is Radiologic Technologist.
Karen Ryan's email address is ***@mysanitas.com. To view Karen Ryan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Karen Ryan works in the Hospital/Clinic industry.
Karen Ryan's colleagues at Sanitas Medical Center are Eddy Lavalais, Nidhi Patel, Kenneth Gerald, Bethany Ford, Ednifah Caraway-, Mia Davis, Veronica Simpson and others.
Karen Ryan's phone number is (844) 665-4827
See more information about Karen Ryan