General Enquires: connect@illumahealth.orgPractitioners and Scheduling Enquires: support@illumahealth.orgMedia and Communications Enquires:"EVERY SYSTEM WE CREATE MUST SUPPORT FREEDOM & EXPRESSION, RATHER THAN OPPRESSION & SUPPRESSION"The link between mental & relational healthIlluma Health was founded by Natalia Rachel, trauma therapist, educator, speaker, and trauma-informed culture & policy consultant. Natalia is the ex-Executive Director of Soma Clinic, a highly regarded integrated health clinic in Singapore. Through her journey, she realized the strong demand for mental health services and the inextricable link between mental health and relational health. In fact, she became sure that the way we relate to each other is at the root of the world's ‘state of trauma'.Proactive, not ReactiveWorking only with those who are trying to recover from trauma is reactive. Natalia chose to expand her focus to include a proactive approach to mental and relational health that stems in a) education and b) creating systems that empower more people to access support. She also explored and found value in making educational content (video and audio) that could be accessed by mass audiences either at a low cost or completely free. This addresses the big issue, that many people around the world, cannot afford or access mental healthcare. Ultimately, Natalia's vision is to raise awareness of the question ‘why am I like this?' and illuminate pathways to change.Demand for CareAs she steered the Soma Clinic brand to fill the market gap, she realized that the gap was much bigger than just a clinic could fill. Through and post-Covid, lines for trauma therapy were out the door, with her client wait-list a year long. She also realized that by consulting and speaking with both leaders and larger groups (corporates and governments), systemic change could begin to occur, which would mean less patients to care for.