"My Soul is Filled with Joy: A Holocaust Story," by Karen I. Treiger, tells the harrowing tale of Sam and Esther Goldberg, who survived the Holocaust to ultimately settle in the United States. Over 870,000 were murdered at Treblinka but Sam Goldberg was one of approximately 65 prisoners to escape the and remain alive until the end of the war. After escaping during the prisoner uprising, he ran to the forest where he met Esther, who had evaded the Nazis twice, and had been hiding there for a year with her teenage brother-in-law. They hid, with the help of righteous gentiles, in barns and a forest pit until liberation in 1944. This book brings to life the horror of the Nazis' actions and the toll that it exacted on so many Jewish families. This is also a story of hope, love and determination; of a family rediscovering the path taken by their parents to find life and freedom in a new world. Sam and Esther's story is one of love and the will to live no matter what they had to endure. It reminds us that we are still learning the lessons of the Holocaust.