Karen Vesprini

music teacher at Music Together LLC - Hopewell, NJ, US

Karen Vesprini's Contact Details
Music Together LLC
Karen Vesprini's Company Details
Music Together LLC logo, Music Together LLC contact details

Music Together LLC

Hopewell, NJ, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Music Together® is an internationally recognized early childhood music and movement program for children birth through grade two and the grownups who love them. The Music Together curriculum, coauthored in 1987 by Kenneth K. Guilmartin (Founder/Director) and Rowan University Professor of Music Education Dr. Lili M. Levinowitz (Director of Research), is based on the recognition that all children are musical. All children can learn to sing in tune, move with accurate rhythm, and participate with confidence in the music of their culture, provided that their early environment supports such learning. Music Together offers programs for families, schools, at-risk populations, and children with special needs in over 2500 communities in forty countries around the world. The company is passionately committed to bringing children and their caregivers closer through shared music-making and helping people discover the joy---and the educational value---of early music experiences.More at www.musictogether.com and www.facebook.com/MusicTogether.

early childhood music education children's media publisher teacher training licensing opportunities children's media publisher Music Musical Instruments
Details about Music Together LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Karen Vesprini
Karen Vesprini currently works for Music Together LLC.
Karen Vesprini's role at Music Together LLC is music teacher.
Karen Vesprini's email address is ***@musictogether.com. To view Karen Vesprini's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Karen Vesprini works in the Music industry.
Karen Vesprini's colleagues at Music Together LLC are Nydia Reid, Adriana Beers, Mia Neibert, Rebecca Kline, Lauren Diehlmann, Piper Magera, Suzi Mills and others.
Karen Vesprini's phone number is ["+13135989630"]
See more information about Karen Vesprini