Two12 Group has developed a unique "outside-in" diagnostic platform called BRAD™ (Business Relationship Assessment & Diagnostics) designed to help companies advance business results by means of cultivating and enhancing customer engagement. Typical results yield: • Increased revenue and predictability • Improved profit margins • Reduced client churn • A more consistent brand delivery • A stronger employee workforce Through personal one-on-one interviews with both your customers and your employees that touch them, we gather insight into how the customer perceives your company, what your employees feel about the customer relationship and where there are differences between these, when there shouldn't be. Using our custom algorithm and text analytics programs, we analyze and score results in each of seven key categories which, in turn, provides the framework for actionable strategies to advance business performance. Furthermore, we use the data to generate an expressed engagement score which when applied to existing revenue, directionally identifies the amount of revenue at risk should you do nothing. Hiring BRAD is your first move towards cultivating customer engagement as it sends a strong message to your customers. Contact us at: 630.751.6208 Email us at: