We believe that pregnancy, labor, and postpartum are vulnerable times for parents and you should feel supported throughout this period, regardless of where or how you birth. We want you to feel educated about your birth and help you feel like birth is a natural, normal process. As Jane Weideman said, "Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear." We love helping partners be involved in the birth experience, as far as they're comfortable. We want partners to feel like they can help you through labor, and be just as involved as you are. We enjoy showing them ways to help make you comfortable during pregnancy and labor. We believe your partner has an intimate knowledge of you and we have an intimate knowledge of birth; together we make the ultimate team. We will help your partner feel included every step of the way. We are very knowledgeable about breastfeeding and have breastfed our children for an extended period, even with complications ranging from tongue-tie to cesarean section. We are trained to teach you how to get your first latch. We love teaching moms to love breastfeeding. We are very knowledgeable about high-risk pregnancies and VBACs and know what options you really have. We've been high-risk twice ourselves and have done extensive research. We are well versed in The Bradley and Hypnobirthing Methods. Included in our doula services is a "Meal Train" for you and your family after delivery. We arrange for dinners to be delivered from your friends and family for up to two weeks after birth. In addition to birth doula services, we specialize in placenta encapsulation and Bengkung belly binding. You deserve a positive birth experience and we would love to help you achieve one. We would be so honored to be a part of your amazing birth experience and help you strive for the birth you want and deserve. Find out more at https://myutahdoulas.com/