TMA is the world's first platform & technology making learning body weight and movement disciplines like calisthenics, gymnastic, acrobatics and circus skills easy, fun and safe for everyone. We distill the knowledge of the world's best gymnastic & calisthenics coaches and physiotherapists making professional and personalised training available at a fraction of the cost in a gamyfied way.Through a comprehensive athlete assessment that includes mobility, flexibility, strength and skill we identify exactly where you are at and create a fully personalised training program just for you. The app, just like a professional coach adjusts training in real time based on your feedback and periodical assessments. As you go along you unlock new, harder and harder moves making it a never ending, lifelong pursuit of fitness mastery. Along with the technology, we offer a video-based training with worlds best coaches and athletes from variety of movement disciplines like break dancing, hand balancing, acro yoga, parkour and so on