Battle Born Youth ChalleNGe Academy is a tuition-free, educational program of the National Guard and the State of Nevada. Participation is voluntary and the Academy uses a quasi-military model to reclaim the potential of disproportionately affected youth ages 16-18. There is a two-week Acclimation phase, a 20-week residential phase, and a 12-month post residential phase.The 16-hour training day and quasi-military model allow BBYCA to instill in our Cadets self discipline, a strong work ethic, and increased employability. Our goal is to provide employers across Nevada with eager, productive, disciplined leaders and our state with responsible citizens.The eight core components guiding our daily training schedule are: Academic Excellence, Leadership/Followership, Physical Fitness, Health & Hygiene, Responsible Citizenship, Service to Community, Job Skills, and Life Coping Skills.