1 - Franchise consultancy services and general information for businesses that are considering making their business available as a franchise in the United States. Services include but are not limited to:a) Market Analysis and New Business Development b) Trademark assistance c) Concept formulation and refinement d) Franchise feasibility study e) Financial analysis f) Franchise strategy plan g) Franchise Agreement & Implementation h) Demographic franchising territories i) Franchise marketing and Materials 2 - Offers unique radiology and telemedicine consulting expertise, by integrating innovative state of the art technology, training, and education to achieve operational excellence. a) Radiology - PACS and RIS Implementationb) Mobile Diagnostic Imaging Solutionsc) Portable x-ray companies d) ndependent Diagnostic Testing Facilities - IDTF e) Web Portal for Medical Practices f) EMR - Electronic Medical Records g) Telemedicine Solutions h) Healthcare Risk Management