The Pelvic Pain Clinic is dedicated to the treatment of Male Pelvic Pain. This includes symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS), Chronic Prostatitis (CP), Hard Flaccid (HF), Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB), Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS), Pudendal Neuralgia (PNE)Having suffered with acute and chronic pelvic pain myself I know much of what each patient is going through. My approach is very much focused on providing each patient with the tools they need to recover. I guide my patients to recovery through highly focused self care techniques, bespoke lifestyle advice and an understanding as to what is happening in your body. I take my time with each patient to ensure you get the very best out of each session.The clinic offers bespoke, tailored recovery programs for each individual. No two treatment plans are the same. It is imperative to view each case as unique and to treat the individual and their presenting symptoms accordingly. My aim is to teach each patient how best to recover. I place the patient in the drivers seat in their recovery. Being a passenger is simply not good enough. Each recovery program is devised through a careful and attentive therapeutic alliance. For full details please visit my website - my You Tube channel -