LBRIDGE REALTY CORPORATION... About UsWe are an exceptional group of commercial realtors... very experienced, very professional, very entrepreneurial and a pleasure to work with... these are our AGENTS. We serve those individuals and corporations, whether local, regional, national or international, who use or invest in commercial real estate... land, buildings or businesses, whether for purchase, sale or lease, whether large or small, ... these are our CLIENTS, and we take the time to know them well.Our primary market area is the GREATER TORONTO AREA, including the City of Toronto, and the 4 regional municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel and York. With a population approaching 6 million, the GTA generates 1/5th of Canada's GDP, and is home to nearly 40% of Canadian corporate headquarters, including Canada's 5 largest banks. Our goal for every transaction is to OPTIMIZE VALUE... creating value, enabling value or preserving value, for both our Agents and our Clients, and our structure, methodology and philosophy serve to guide us there.