Patient Care Coordinator at Community Health Center of Franklin County - Turners Falls, MA, US
The Community Health Center of Franklin County's (CHCFC) mission is to care for the health of our community, that's why we say "your health, our mission, all welcome".We are here to provide excellent medical care to all of our patients, regardless of insurance status or income. But it's more than that… we believe patients have the right to care and resources that are dignified, respectful, compassionate, accessible, and trustworthy for all in a safe and non-threatening environment regardless of their age, appearance, diagnosis, addiction, disabilities, gender identity, language, national origin, race, religion, sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, or weight/size.We recognize that seemingly small barriers can present major obstacles in getting the care that is needed, so we intentionally implement and participate in programs that meet the needs of our community members who are seeking our care.