ACT-SO, the Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics is an NAACP program that encourages and inspires black youths towards excellence by providing an arena where students are motivated to excel and compete in the Sciences, Arts and Humanities. Founded 1977 in Chicago by noted journalist, Vernon Jarrett (1918-2004), ACT-SO's primary goal is to instill in black youths the desire for high scholastic and cultural achievement by mobilizing parents, teachers and adults from churches, businesses, professional and community organizations to support and encourage our youth. Throughout the school year, New York City ACT-SO "Olympics of the Mind", sponsors workshops where students interact with teachers and professionals who serve as coaches and mentors to help students develop projects. In April, at the end of the school year, ACT-SO hosts a city-wide competition at NYC University campus which allows the students to showcase their talents and skills in a competitive, yet cooperative environment. Using their background and experience to appraise the students' projects, the judges select first, second and third place winners in each of the 25 categories based on standards of excellence set by the ACT-SO Committee, judges and coaches.