Our goal is to provide the highest quality chiropractic services while also providing high value for our patients. We continually study, train, experiment and innovate in order to raise our patient care standards. We create clinic healthcare environments that are inviting, comfortable, convenient, nurturing and educational. Over the years, we've been able to identify ways to improve chiropractic practices, and this knowledge carries forward into our franchising program today.Helping our patients realize their full health potential through chiropractic care, as well as spreading wisdom about how to live healthy lives, are some of the greatest joys in life. In fact, we appreciate and celebrate knowledge and vitality – two core elements in our brand name, SoVita (which comes from the Greek root "Sophos" for wisdom, and the Latin root "Vita" for life). These core elements are what we believe help patients achieve optimal health and improve the lives of all our stakeholders.