Landscaping is art. Fullmer's Landscaping is a residential landscape design and build company located in Dayton, Ohio, that creates beautiful and functional outdoor environments. We see landscaping as an art form, not an exact science.Our Mission Our mission is to "create a unique, high quality landscape experience for our clients and encourage the personal growth of each other as good stewards of the blessings God proffers us, giving HIM all the glory!" Quality Uniqueness without balance can simply become tacky. As we carry out our passion for distinctive design, we strive to maintain quality workmanship, choice materials and a commitment to established design principles that bring you a well-rounded landscape solution.Experience Our goal is to provide a positive experience for our client from the initial conversation, through the design and construction phases, and into a fluid, personable relationship for years to come. Landscaping is more than just another product – it is an experience with people, plants and atmosphere. Stewardship We say around here that we want to be good stewards of the blessings God has given us. We are a Christian company, thankful for the gifts of life, grace through Jesus Christ, our co-workers, our clients, the abilities God has given, visionary and problem-solving skills, and so many other wonderful blessings. Our mission is to use these gifts in a responsible, productive way, giving all glory to God.