Karunya Thilak

Digital Marketing Specialist at Picto Design Studio - Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Karunya Thilak's Contact Details
Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu,India
Picto Design Studio
Karunya Thilak's Company Details
Picto Design Studio logo, Picto Design Studio contact details

Picto Design Studio

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India • 11 - 50 Employees

At Picto Designs, we use these infographics to build corporate identity of brands, news on latest business trends and many more. We have an expert infographic designing team at Picto Designs, who are ready to embrace comprehensive research techniques, explore data and statistics which are the key concepts in designing a compelling infographic.Got some new ideas, started a new trend, want to promote a new technology? We are here to abstract the essence of your information and present it with the best infographics that include visual graphics, interactive illustrations that capture the customer attention. Our team of infographic marketing experts outline a terrific plan for promoting your business objectives by integrating the infographics with the right social media marketing strategies that will generate good leads to you.

Details about Picto Design Studio
Frequently Asked Questions about Karunya Thilak
Karunya Thilak currently works for Picto Design Studio.
Karunya Thilak's role at Picto Design Studio is Digital Marketing Specialist.
Karunya Thilak's email address is ***@pictodesignstudio.com. To view Karunya Thilak's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Karunya Thilak works in the Animation industry.
Karunya Thilak's colleagues at Picto Design Studio are Annnietv Abrahamchurchill, Gowtham Kumar, Jothi Krish, Karunya Ria, Preeti Mathivanan, Rabraham Churchill, Nithya P and others.
Karunya Thilak's phone number is ["919791759249"]
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