Big Horn County School District #3 is located in Greybull Wyoming. Our district is made up of three schools: Greybull Elementary school (K-5), Greybull Middle School (6-8) and Greybull High School (9-12). Although our enrollment had held steady over the years, but we are currently seeing an influx of students, pushing our enrollment total to 534. Of the 534 students, 227 are at the elementary, 107 at the middle school and 200 at the high school plus additional students who attend from a neighboring district for certain courses. Demographically, we are roughly eighty percent Caucasian and nineteen percent Hispanic and one percent of all other race. Eight percent of our population qualify for English language learning support, and roughly 17% of our students qualify for special education support. All three of our schools are designated as school wide Title I schools based on a free and reduced lunch percent above forty percent. Greybull, Shell, Emblem and the surrounding rural areas make up Big Horn County School District #3. The district employs 52 certified staff members and 49 classifiedstaff members.