G.L.O.C. [gorgeous ladies of comedy] was founded in November, 2010 by comedian Glennis McMurray to showcase the amazing women she worked and interacted with around New York. Women with strong voices who weren't waiting for someone to tell them they were funny. The first post featured an interview with Broad City creators Abbi Jacobson (the G.L.O.C. logo designer) and Ilana Glazer. Glennis soon commissioned columns and articles from many New York comedians and the site continued to grow. In one month the site (as http://gorgeousladiesofcomedy.wordpress.com) received over 5,000 hits.On March 31st, 2011 G.L.O.C. will launch as a fully-interactive website (http://thegloc.net) with Glennis acting as Editor-in-Cheif, Brandy Barber as Assistant Editor and Liz Black as Head Copy Editor.